Monday, July 4th
6:00pm – 7:15pm
Weekly Wellness Workout
via Turner Memorial YouTube Channel
Tuesday, July 5th
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Virtual Choir Rehearsal
via Turner Memorial ZOOM Platform
Thursday, July 7th
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Serenity Yoga
Sunday, July 10th
8:30am – 9:30am
Church School (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Worship Experience
Pastor & Congregation to Worship w/Preston Circuit AME Church, Preston MD
“If you are interested in traveling to the Eastern Shore, please make sure you contact the church office no later than Tuesday, July 5th to secure your seat on the bus.”
- We invite you to join us each Sunday @ 10:00am for worship through one of these various channels:
Live Stream through our website – http://wwls.turner-ame.org
Facebook Live through our page – Turner Memorial AME Church
ZOOM Meeting – https://wvvn.zoom.com/j/3014080750
Telephone Conference Call:
Dial-In Number: 312-626-6799
Access Code: 3014080750#
Password: 343774 - In these perilous times, we must be educated, prepared and vigilant in all aspects of life. Turner Memorial is hosting a Financial Stewardship series featuring various consumer and life topics of interest throughout the year. We invite you to join us for the 1st installment of this series “How to Weather COVID-19 Financially” via ZOOM on Thursday, July 16th at 7:00pm. Our guest presenter will be Chappell Wilson, Financial Consultant. We encourage you to join us, share with your friends, family, and social circles. #YOM #BeFruitful
- Online Giving – We encourage our Turner Family and Friends to sow a seed in this ministry. There are various ways to offer your tithes and gifts to the ministry of Turner – USPS Mail to the church address; Online via our website (http:// www.tumer-ame.org); CashApp – $TurnerAME: Givelify – Search for Turner Memorial.
- From the Health and Wellness Ministry: Greetings Turner Family and Friends, stay tuned for information regarding our Weekly Wellness Workout, on Monday afternoons, via Zoom, led by our own Health and Wellness Team. Also, our upcoming Wellness Workshop. “What’s In Your Smoothie”. Well send out the ingredients list so you can sip and enjoy with us, via Zoom. Stay Well, Stay Happy and Always know you are Blessed!
- Remember to join us on Thursdays, at 6pm for Serenity Yoga, also via Zoom. Contact Rev. Burriss at dburriss@turnerame.org